SS 1 - DATA PROCESSING (Spreadsheet packages)

Definition of a Spreadsheet: A spreadsheet package is a computer application program designed or developed for someone to be able to carry out tabular calculations and data analysis. Spreadsheet could also be defined as a program that allows you to create, edit and maintain a spreadsheet or worksheet full of data.
A Spread sheet application is productivity software in which a computer user can manage personal and business finance with the help of a spread sheet program. A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application program for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets developed as computerized simulations of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data represented as cells of an array, organized in rows and columns. Each cell of the array is a model–view–controller element that may contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based on the contents of other cells.


Spreadsheet packages are applicable in the following areas
1.      Statistical Analysis
2.      Mathematical Purpose
3.      Regression analysis
4.      Budget Management Control
5.      Preparation of daily sales report
6.      Stock control analysis
7.      Preparation of Examination results
8.      Accounting purposes
9.      Financial projection and analysis.


1.                   LOTUS 1-2-3: This is a spread sheet program from lotus software (now part of IBM) which has added integrated charting, plotting and database capabilities
2.                   STATVIEWS: This is a spread sheet program than can perform many analyses by template. It creates presentation quality graph and table with a singles of the mouse.
3.                   MICROSOFT EXCEL: This is powerful spread sheet that allows you to organize data complete calculate take decision, graph data and develop reports. It is also has basic features to help you create, edit and format worksheet.

More examples of spreadsheet programs
Today, Microsoft Excel is the most popular and widely used spreadsheet program, but there are also many alternatives. Below is a list of spreadsheet programs that can be used to create a spreadsheet document.
·         Google Docs – Online and collaborative spreadsheet
·         iWork Numbers – Apple Office Suite
·         OpenOffice – Calc
·         Lotus Symphony – Spreadsheets
·         VisiCalc
·         Apple iWork spreadsheet
·         GS-Calc
·         Bye design Ltd.

A graph is a great way of representing your data. With graph, data are easily understood and also they are easily edited for better data presentation. You can create dozens of different charts, from pie chart to bar chart and more.

DATA SENSE: This is the foundation of any chart in the worksheet that you use to create. Chart data is the content of a group of related cells, such as one row or column of data in your worksheet.

CUSTOMIZED CHARTS: Any chart created can be customized and can also change to the formatting of the chart, text, change the chart type and much more.

1.                   COLUMN
2.                   BAR
3.                   LINE GRAPH
4.                   PIE
5.                   SCATTER
6.                   AREA
7.                   DOUGHNUT E.T.C

WORK SHEET: it is best explained as collection of multiple cells on a single sheet
Worksheet commonly refers to a sheet of paper with questions for students and places to record answers. The term may also refer to a single array of data in spreadsheet software or an informal piece of paper that an accountant uses to record information.

A worksheet or sheet is a single page in a file created with an electronic spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Spreadsheets. A worksheet is used to store, manipulate, and display data. A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. By default, each Excel workbook contains three worksheets.

Each worksheet is composed of a very large number cells – which are the basic storage unit for data in a file or workbook.
The cells are arranged in a grid pattern using rows and columns.
While a Workbook is the collection of several worksheets, so therefore it can be said that a Workbook comprises of multiple worksheets.

In Excel 2013:
  • there are 1,048,576 rows per worksheet;
  • there are 16,384 columns per worksheet;
  • by default, each new file contains only one worksheet;
  • The number of sheets per file is limited only by the amount of memory available on the computer.
* In earlier versions of Excel, the default number of worksheets per file was three.
For Google Spreadsheets:
·         There is a maximum of 256 columns per sheet;
·         The maximum number of cells for all worksheets in a file is 400,000;
·         The current default number of worksheets for new files is one;
·         There is a maximum of 200 worksheets per spreadsheet file.
Each worksheet also has a name. By default, the worksheets are named Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3 and so on.
Workbooks are file that can be created in excel. You can start workbook any time you want to create a new file for your excel data. Steps are
1.       Open a new workbook in Excel 
2.       Point start on the screen of your monitor
3.       Click on all programs
4.       Point to Microsoft office tab
5.       Select Microsoft excel (this will take you to the excel environment)


Fig 1: Example of a new spreadsheet window
A good example of how a spreadsheet may be used is creating an overview of your bank’s balance. Below is a basic example of what a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet looks like, as well as all the major portions of a spreadsheet highlighted.

What is an active worksheet?
An active worksheet is the worksheet that is currently open. For example, in the picture above, the sheet tabs at the bottom of the window show “Sheet1”, “Sheet2”, and “Sheet3”, with Sheet1 being the active worksheet. The active tab usually has a white background behind the tab name.


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